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Functional Developmental Behavioural Neuroimmunology

Presented By Clinician, Professor, Brain Researcher, and Best Selling Author Dr. Robert Melillo

Get the latest advancement in the treatment of childhood & adult neurodevelopment disorders with Dr. Robert Melillo’s 10 module course. Join Dr. Melillo, Dr. Peter Scire, and his team of special guests, as you learn new information, research, tools, and techniques to apply in your career and life.


Designed for Educators, Students, Therapists, Parents, & Healthcare Professionals


Eligible for IAFNR Certification Upon Completing The Full Course and Testing

IAFNR = Interdisciplinary Association of Functional Neurosciences and Rehabilitation. Find Out More:
Also become recognised by IBFN = International Board of Functional Neurology. Find Out More Here:


New For This Course:

  • NEW Examination tools for techniques for patients of all ages and all lives of function!
  • NEW Protocols for therapy and treatment!
  • NEW Research for innovative methods!
  • NEW & updated nutrition and immunology program!
  • NEW Guest speakers sharing exciting advancements in the field!

An Advanced Event For Practitioners Already Working In The Field, And Those Who Wish To Expand Their Practice Into This Direction

What This Course Is About


Unlock the mysteries of the brain with our comprehensive 10-module course, designed for professionals eager to deepen their understanding of neurodevelopmental, neuroimmunological, and neuropsychological dynamics. This course will guide you through a nuanced exploration of how various systems such as the nervous, immune, and endocrine interact to shape human behavior and development. From foundational concepts to complex interplays between brain regions and their impact on functions such as speech, social behaviors, and executive skills, this course offers a deep dive into the cutting-edge of brain science.

Highlights Include:

  • Modules 1-6: Begin with the basic building blocks of neuroanatomy and the crucial interplay between the nervous and immune systems. Discover how disruptions in these systems can lead to conditions such as autism and ADHD, and explore advanced concepts in neuroplasticity and brain connectivity.
  • Module 7, 'The Disembodied Child': Focuses on communication barriers in neurodevelopmental disorders, detailing how immunological self-attacks can hinder speech and language development.
  • Module 8, 'The Executive Brain': Unravels the complexities of network development and executive function regulation, integrating the neuroimmunological aspects that influence neuroplasticity.
  • Module 9, 'The Social Brain': Examines the neurological and immunological factors that underpin the social engagement system and emotional networking, crucial for understanding attachment and behavior.
  • Module 10, 'Putting It All Together': Culminates in a series of case presentations, preparing participants for certification and fellowship, ensuring they are equipped to apply their knowledge in practical, impactful ways.

This course is meticulously structured to provide a progressive learning curve, ensuring you gain not just theoretical knowledge but also practical insights that are directly applicable to clinical practice, research, and therapy. Whether you're a medical professional, a psychologist, an educator, or a neuroscientist, this course will enrich your understanding and equip you with the tools to make a significant difference in the lives of those you serve.

Brain Hub Academia Bonuses

Book now via Brain Hub Academia and:

  • Complete the transaction in AUD (no card or conversion fees charged)
  • Gain access to the exclusive VIP Facebook group for Fellowship Exam Preparation (ask all questions you have about the material to confidently sit your exam and obtain your IAFNR certification!)
  • Get the option to save additional 20% on the 2023 Sydney Melillo 5-Day Conference!




One of the most respected clinicians in childhood neuro-development disorders in America, Dr. Robert Melillo (USA registered Chiropractor) has been helping children overcome learning challenges for over 30 years. His areas of clinical expertise include physical, attention, behavioral and learning disorders, as well as diet, nutrition and neuroimmune disorders in children and adults.

As a clinician for 30 years, a university professor, brain researcher, best selling author, radio and TV host, his cutting-edge research and success with over a thousand children in his private program are what led to the creation of Brain Balance Achievement Centers. Dr. Melillo has a private practice now that helps adults and children with various learning disabilities.

He is focused on addressing the primary issue in most learning disabilities and behavioral disorders which is known as a functional disconnection. Since he introduced this concept, functional disconnection has become one of the leading theories in the world related to Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and more. This work is leading the way toward understanding the underlying nature of these disorders and their causes.

Additionally, comprehensive seminar notes, handouts clinical notes, questionnaires and treatment plans are provided

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What To Expect

Embark on an intellectual journey through the intricate world of developmental functional neurology with our expertly curated course. Expect to engage with a wealth of content through dynamic lectures, detailed case studies, and interactive sessions that enhance understanding and retention. Each module is crafted to build on the previous one, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive educational experience. You'll be equipped with the latest research, techniques, and methodologies, ready to apply your knowledge to real-world challenges in healthcare and education.

Who Is This For?

This course is designed for a diverse range of professionals eager to expand their expertise and impact in their respective fields, including:

  • Healthcare Professionals: Neurologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, and nurses looking to enhance their diagnostic and treatment capabilities.
  • Therapists and Psychologists: Clinical psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and counselors seeking deeper insights into neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Educators and Researchers: Special education professionals and academic researchers who wish to enrich their understanding and practices with cutting-edge neuroscientific knowledge.
  • Students in Relevant Fields: Advanced students in medicine, psychology, or neurosciences aiming to solidify their knowledge and prepare for a career in these dynamic fields.

Course Structure and Content

Our course is structured into 10 comprehensive modules, each focusing on a different aspect of neurodevelopmental and neuroimmunological research:

  1. The Developing Brain
  2. When the Brain Can't Slow Down
  3. How is Reality Generated in the Brain?
  4. Complex Interplay between the Nervous System and Immune System
  5. The Disconnected Brain
  6. The Integrated System
  7. The Disembodied Child
  8. The Executive Brain
  9. The Social Brain
  10. Putting It All Together

Each module includes several hours of video lectures, supplementary reading materials, practical exercises, and assessments to test and reinforce knowledge. Live Q&A sessions with course instructors provide further opportunities to delve deeper into specific topics.

Transformative Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and Explain Complex Neurological and Immunological Interactions that affect behavior, learning, and development.
  • Identify and Address Neurodevelopmental Disorders with a sophisticated understanding of underlying causes and interventional strategies.
  • Apply Neuroscientific Principles to improve therapeutic practices, educational strategies, and clinical outcomes.
  • Communicate Complex Ideas to colleagues, clients, and students, enhancing collaborative efforts and educational endeavors.
  • Lead Innovations in Their Fields, leveraging advanced knowledge to pioneer new approaches in treatments and interventions.

Prepare to transform your professional skills and deepen your impact on the lives of those affected by neurological and immunological challenges. Join us to navigate the complex pathways of the brain and unlock the secrets to cognitive and emotional health.

Modules 1-3

Module 1 - 13 hrs


  1. Vestibular System Development: Discusses the critical role of the vestibular system in early development, its impact on motor and sensory functions, and its evolutionary and embryological progression.

  2. Immune System Overview: Details the innate and adaptive immune systems, emphasizing their roles in defending against pathogens and the importance of immune development during early childhood.

  3. Motor System Assessment in Development: Focuses on how the motor system can be used to assess brain development, highlighting the significance of motor tone and early brainstem maturation.

  4. Role of Primitive Reflexes: Explores the relationship between primitive reflexes and neurodevelopment, illustrating how retained reflexes can indicate developmental delays.

  5. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Investigates the link between vestibular function and neurodevelopmental disorders, showing how vestibular dysfunction can affect motor, cognitive, and emotional development.

  6. Innovative Therapeutic Approaches: Introduces new methods for treating neurodevelopmental issues, like the Melillo Method, which integrates sensory, motor, and cognitive exercises to promote brain development and functional connectivity.

Module 2 - 12hrs


  1. Introduction to Neuroimmunology: Explores the interactions between the nervous system and the immune system, discussing their implications for diseases where the brain remains overly active.

  2. Understanding Hyperactivity in the Nervous System: Discusses the neurological basis of why some brains can't "slow down," focusing on neurochemical imbalances and their regulatory mechanisms.

  3. Stress Response and its Effect on the Brain: Covers the impact of chronic stress on brain function, including the role of cortisol and other stress hormones in perpetuating a state of heightened neural activity.

  4. Neurochemical Imbalance and Sleep Disorders: Analyzes how dysregulation of neurotransmitters contributes to sleep disturbances and persistent brain activity during times of rest.

  5. Impact of Chronic Pain on Brain Function: Discusses the neurological pathways involved in chronic pain, which can prevent the brain from entering calmer states necessary for healing and recovery.

  6. Therapeutic Interventions: Introduces various therapeutic strategies aimed at modulating brain activity, including pharmacological treatments, behavioral therapies, and lifestyle changes designed to reduce neural hyperactivity.

Module 3 - 11hrs


  1. Neurobiological Basis of Perception: Explores how the brain interprets and constructs reality based on sensory inputs, integrating neuroscience with psychological theories.

  2. Vestibular System and Self-Perception: Details the development of the vestibular system and its crucial role in spatial orientation and movement, impacting how one perceives their position and motion in space.

  3. Sensory Integration and Reality Construction: Discusses how the brain integrates sensory information from various sources to construct a coherent sense of reality, emphasizing the importance of multimodal sensory integration.

  4. Role of Neural Networks in Perception: Analyzes the neural networks involved in perception, particularly how connections between neurons contribute to the processing of sensory information and reality formation.

  5. Immune System Influence on Brain Development: Covers the impact of the immune system on brain development, particularly how neuroimmune interactions can affect cognitive and perceptual processes.

  6. Practical Implications and Therapeutic Approaches: Introduces interventions aimed at improving sensory integration and neural connectivity, which may enhance the brain's ability to construct and interpret reality more effectively.

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Modules 4-6

Module 4 - 14hrs


  1. Neuroimmune Interaction Basics: Explores fundamental interactions between the nervous system and immune system, explaining their roles in maintaining health and contributing to disease.

  2. Roles of Innate and Adaptive Immunity: Discusses the interaction between innate immune cells (like macrophages and dendritic cells) and adaptive immune cells (such as T-cells), which collectively defend against pathogens and maintain health.

  3. Pattern Recognition and Immune Response: Details the function of pattern recognition receptors, including Toll-like receptors, which recognize pathogens and initiate immune responses crucial for combating infections.

  4. Complement System Activation: Explains the activation mechanisms of the complement system, highlighting its role in immune surveillance and response through the classical, lectin, and alternative pathways.

  5. Cytokine Dynamics: Reviews how cytokines regulate immune and inflammatory responses, emphasizing their impact on neuroinflammation and potential connections to neurodegenerative conditions.

  6. Neuroendocrine Immune Regulation: Outlines the regulation of immune responses by the neuroendocrine system, showing how hormones and neurotransmitters modulate the activity of immune cells.

  7. Immune Mediators and Behavior: Explores how immune system mediators like cytokines can influence central nervous system functions and behavior, which may include effects on neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric disorders.

  8. Maternal Immune Activation: Discusses the impact of maternal immune activation on fetal brain development and links to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, highlighting the role of cytokines such as interleukin-17.

  9. Chronic Inflammation and Neurodevelopment: Considers how chronic gestational inflammation can alter brain development and behavior, with specific attention to the influence of interleukin-17 in the context of neurodevelopmental risks.

  10. Glial Cells and Neuron-Glia Interactions: Reviews the roles of glial cells in the brain, focusing on their interactions with neurons and their crucial functions in synaptic maturation, plasticity, and overall CNS health.

Module 5 - 14hrs


  1. Concept of the Disconnected Brain: Explores the theory that brain dysfunction in developmental disorders is often due to disconnections between key neural networks, rather than localized damage.

  2. Role of Timing and Processing in the Brain: Discusses how precise timing and processing within various brain systems are crucial for coordinated activity and proper brain function.

  3. Neuroscience Foundations: Reviews basic neuroscience principles that underpin our understanding of brain connectivity and function, with a focus on how disruptions can lead to disorders.

  4. Neuroimmunology Insights: Explores the interplay between the nervous system and the immune system, detailing how immune responses can affect brain connectivity and function.

  5. Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation: Highlights the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, which is crucial for recovery from brain disconnection.

  6. Intervention Strategies: Introduces various therapeutic approaches aimed at restoring proper brain function through enhancing connectivity and synchronization across brain regions.

  7. Case Studies and Practical Applications: Includes case studies (like Wesley's use of a letter board) that illustrate practical applications of theories and interventions in real-world settings.

  8. Technological Advances in Treatment: Discusses the use of advanced technologies such as non-invasive spinal cord stimulation and its effects on brain processes and mood disorders.

  9. Research and Future Directions: Covers ongoing research efforts and potential future directions in understanding and treating brain disconnections, with a focus on developmental and mood disorders.

  10. Educational and Supportive Resources: Provides information on resources for further learning and support, emphasizing the importance of community and knowledge in managing brain disconnection syndromes.

Module 6 - 12hrs


  1. Complex Interplay of Nervous and Immune Systems: Describes how the nervous and immune systems interact intricately to influence health, with a focus on neuroimmunological mechanisms.

  2. Innate and Adaptive Immunity: Explains the roles and interactions between innate and adaptive immune responses, detailing specific cell types and immune pathways.

  3. Role of Cytokines and Neuroinflammation: Discusses the effects of cytokines like IL-17 and TNF-alpha on neuroinflammation, and their links to neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.

  4. Impact of Maternal Factors on Development: Reviews how maternal immune activation and other maternal factors influence fetal brain development and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.

  5. Behavioral and Neurological Consequences of Immune Activation: Explores how immune system dysfunction, particularly in the context of maternal health, can lead to behavioral and neurological changes in offspring.

  6. Microglia and Glia Interactions in CNS: Highlights the role of microglia and other glial cells in maintaining CNS health, their involvement in synaptic pruning, and the implications for neurological diseases.

  7. Functional Anatomy of the Brain: Provides insights into brain anatomy and functionality, emphasizing the significance of Brodmann areas and their role in various brain functions.

  8. Neuroinflammation and Psychiatric Disorders: Discusses the relationship between neuroinflammation and psychiatric conditions, including anxiety and OCD, and how stress affects this interplay.

  9. Neuroimmunology of Stress and Anxiety: Examines the specific pathways through which stress and anxiety impact neuroimmune interactions and contribute to the symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders.

  10. Therapeutic and Integrative Approaches: Introduces therapeutic strategies for addressing the imbalances in neuroimmune interactions, including approaches to enhance brain integration and function.

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Modules 7-10

Module 7 - 13 hrs

 Coming Soon

Why Can’t a Child Speak? Factors That affect Communication, Language and Speech development in Autism. When The Immune System Attacks itself Part 2.

Module 8 - 12hrs

 Coming Soon

Small World Networks, Long Range Connections, Network Development and The regulation of Executive Function. The Neuroimmunology of Neuroplasticity.

Module 9 - 12hrs

 Coming Soon

Attachment, Behavior and The Social Engagement System. Hemispheric and Neuroimmune factors in the formation of Emotional Networks.

Module 10 - 12hrs

 Coming Soon

Learning through Case presentation and preparing for certification and fellowship testing.

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Dr Rob Melillo - Functional Developmental Behavioural Neuroimmunology

Includes VIP Fellowship Exam Preparation
Facebook Group Access

Price: $9955 AUD Incl GST

(Regular Price $11,700.00 From Sept 2024)

New Attendee Booking


Valid if if you have obtained the Fellowship (FIBFN-CND), or have taken the previously online CND program within the last 2 years

Includes VIP Fellowship Exam Preparation
Facebook Group Access

Price: $5850 AUD Incl GST

(Regular Price $6,880.00) From Sept 2024


Save More With The Course Bundles

If you are considering the Fellowship certification, we strongly recommend you also obtain the recordings of the 2023 5-Day Sydney Conference at a special discounted rate if purchased together with this course:

Dr Rob Melillo - COMPLETE Bundle (Functional Developmental Behavioural Neuroimmunology + 2023 Sydney Conference)

ALL 3 Courses! Foundations, Parenting Mastery, Advanced Clinical Applications

+ $1850 AUD (Regular Price $2,313.00) - SAVE 20%


Total $11,805 Incl GST


+ BONUS: Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy (3hrs) 

Price: FREE (Regular Price $199.00)

New Attendee

Dr Rob Melillo - COMPLETE Bundle (Functional Developmental Behavioural Neuroimmunology + 2023 Sydney Conference)

ALL 3 Courses! Foundations, Parenting Mastery, Advanced Clinical Applications

+ $1850 AUD (Regular Price $2,313.00) - SAVE 20%


Total $7,700 Incl GST


+ BONUS: Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy (3hrs) 

Price: FREE (Regular Price $199.00)


Receive Online Bonus When Booking The Fellowship Bundle

Purchase the on-demand course now, and get instant access to Dr Rob Melillo's acclaimed "Introduction To Functional Neuroanatomy" (usually $199) for FREE. This 3hr online seminar will be yours to keep in your online library, and can be accessed for 12 months.


Instant Access when you book. Price: FREE (Regular Price $199.00)

- All prices are in AUD, inclusive of GST
- Registration includes digital copies of presenter notes, clinical forms, questionnaires, home-based and clinical exercise
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